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What is LG Electronics stock information?

LG Electronics' stock information includes various quotes as well as chart analyses and foreign holdings for current and potential investors. Learn more now.

Is LG Corp a holding company?

LG Corp. does not assume legal responsibility for contents stated in this Report. LG Corp. is a holding company. As such it owns the number of shares commensurate with its managerial authority as the holding company of the LG Group. However, each Group affiliate is a legal entity that is independent of LG Corp.

How did LG Corporation perform in 2022?

As of the end of 2022, LG Corp. posted brand royalty income of KRW 365,543 million from the companies in the brand contract. LG Corp. recorded rental revenue of KRW 135,285 million in 2022, which is similar level as the previous year. 5. Changes in property, plant and equipment for the years ended December 31, 2022 6.

What do you know about LG?

See all our reports for a better understanding of our business. LG is pursuing its vision of becoming the top global consumer electronics and appliance company with solutions that are changing the landscape. Learn more now.

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